Constructor Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Vector.New(number x, number y, number z) | Vector | Construct a new Vector with the given x, y and z components, where z is generally up | None |
Class Functions
Class Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Vector.Distance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) | number | Return the distance between two Vector values | None |
Vector.SquaredDistance(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) | number | Return the square of the distance of two Vector values | None |
Vector.Cross(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) | Vector | Return the cross product of two Vector values | None |
Vector.Dot(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) | number | Return the dot product of two Vector values | None |
Vector.Lerp(Vector vec1, Vector vec2) | Vector | Linearly interpolate between vec1 and vec2 by the fraction alpha, where alpha is normally in the range [0,1] | None |
Function Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Normalize() | Vector | Return a normalized Vector (where the length is 1.0) | None |
Length() | number | Return the length of the given Vector | None |
SquaredLength() | number | Return the square of the length of the given Vector | None |
Abs() | Vector | Return a Vector constructed from the absolute (ie positive or zero) x, y and z components of the given Vector | None |
Ceil() | Vector | Returns a Vector constructed from the ceiling (ie next integer value) x, y and z components of the given Vector | None |
Floor() | Vector | Returns a Vector constructed from the floor (ie integer value below) x, y and z components of the given Vector | None |
Property Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
x | number | X component of 3D vector | None |
y | number | Y component of 3D vector | None |
z | number | Z component of 3D vector | None |
Constant Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
Zero | Vector | Zero vector (0, 0, 0) | None |
Override Name | Return Type | Description | Tags |
+ | Vector | Add two Vector values together and return a new Vector of the result | None |
- | Vector | Subtract two Vector values and return a new Vector of the result | None |
unary_minus | Vector | Negate a Vector value and return the result | None |
* | Vector | Multiply a Vector by a number, returning a Vector | None |
/ | Vector | Divide a Vector by a number, returning a Vector | None |
to_string | string | Convert to a string | None |